Covid-19 Billboard Ads in Malaysia

covid-19 billboard Malaysia

We often discuss how to use Out-Of-Home (OOH) advertising as an advertising and marketing tool, but there is still more to it. With its influencing power, OOH media plays a major role in spreading social awareness and public responsibility. There are billboards out there that serve to paint a bigger picture in society than to monetize for businesses. These are called the Public Service Announcements (PSA). PSA ads focus on sending messages instead of selling a product or service. They are the types of ads that remind people of serious social issues and sometimes warm people’s hearts with words of encouragement or appreciation. 

In light of the Covid-19 pandemic, let’s take a look at how OOH media is used to raise awareness and spread positivity in Malaysia.

Reminder to stick with SOP

covid 19 Billboard

Photo courtesy of Industries Unite

covid 19 billboard

Photo courtesy of The Star

It has been an uphill roller coaster ride with the number of cases increasing drastically in Malaysia recently. Billboard ads like this are everywhere in the country now to serve as a reminder to people to comply with the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) to curb the pandemic. 

Reminder to stop the chain

Covid 19 billboard

Photo courtesy of Firdaus Latif

Covid 19 billboard

Photo courtesy of Xinhuanet

Billboards urging and reminding Malaysians to stop the Covid-19 chain are also displayed all around Malaysia. With these messages displaying out there, Malaysians are advised to be responsible and practice the existing SOPs.

Helping those in need

covid 19 billboard Malaysia

Photo courtesy of WWW.NEWS.CN

A billboard displaying a “Stay Home Stay Safe” massage was installed in Kuala Lumpur in April 2020. This collaboration between Ramcel Media and MERCY Malaysia reminds Malaysians to stay safe and also seeks for public’s donations to support the Malaysian Healthcare system to help curb the Covid-19 pandemic. MERCY Malaysia is a non-profit organization that focuses on providing medical relief, health-related development and risk reduction activities for vulnerable communities, in crisis and non-crisis situations. A QR code is displayed on the billboard to allow people to scan and see what they can do to support this medical crisis that affects everyone in the community. 

We can fight this together

billboard Malaysia

Photo courtesy of Samsul Said/Bloomberg

covid 19 billboard

Photo courtesy of The Malaysian Reserve

Messages of hope in this dark time in the pandemic can be spotted on Billboards all around Malaysia. As this pandemic has hit everyone hard and caused great fear and hopelessness, the government has not forgotten to assure people that we can fight this pandemic together.


covid-19 Billboard

Photo courtesy of WOW Media @ Twitter

covid 19 billboard Malaysia

Photo courtesy of MarketingMagazine

Front liners are the backbone of Malaysia during the pandemic. They are the ones who have to work overtime to keep things in order and save lives. From medical workers to food delivery riders, what they do for Malaysia is applaudable. Working all day and night without rest, billboards of appreciation are put up to thank them for their hard work.

Sending meaningful messages through OOH media:

During the pandemic, we come across many PSA billboards sending messages to evoke the sense of responsibility of Malaysians. We can all strongly feel the impact of these messages especially in this difficult time. Although we are still in an unpredictable fight with the Covid-19 at this stage, let’s all continue to play our parts and anticipates the day that we will see messages of ‘WE WON’ all over billboards in Malaysia. 

If you are interested to put up these kinds of billboards, hit Firstboard up for professional assistance. 

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