Getting the Right Typography for Your Billboard Advertisements

Getting the right typography for your billboard advertisements

Typography billboard

Advertisers put a considerable amount of thought into designing advertisements for billboards or digital signage; dedicating a good chunk of time in getting the typography just right. Advertisers have to take into account that the typeface on a billboard only has a few seconds to make an impression, or be read by an ordinary motorist whizzing by. Deciding the most effective typeface can be a challenging prospect, and it is essential to land the right font, size, alignment, and colour if you want your advertisement to be read.

Here are a few helpful guidelines when it comes to billboard typography according to industry experts Bubble Outdoor.

Font Size: First and foremost, the font size on any particular billboard needs to be large enough to be read from a distance. Though the advertisement may be compelling, if passers-by cannot make out the typeface they will not bother reading it out. For an average outdoor static billboard, the typeface should be readable from at least 300 metres. Using a larger font size is critical, as it takes up more space on the billboard, decreasing the amount of text in the space. This allows the message on the ad to be more impactful; as a short, concise message in a large font is easier to read than a longer text in a smaller font size. Essentially, the same concept applies to digital signage or digital screen advertising.

Font: In terms of font it can be a daunting task to choose from the sheer multitude of fonts out there. However, Sans Serif fonts are regarded as the most effective, and this notion is validated by research conducted by Rise Vision.  San Serif scripts like Helvetica, Arial, Verdana and Open Sans are generally considered easiest to read, and are especially recommended for use in headlines. Other popular fonts include, Times New Roman, Baskerville, Garamond and Georgia for use in body text.

Alignment: In terms of alignment for a static billboard, it’s important to not space out the letters too far apart, or too close together. The alignment and spacing should be kept even across the dimensions of the billboard. For digital signage, it’s important to not squeeze the text on any one particular side or near the top of the display. The text should also not exceed the perimeter of the display, or spill onto any images included.

Colour: In terms of colour for a static billboard, highly contrasting colours that pop are guaranteed to get noticed by an observer. This essentially means complementing a dark background with bright colours, like a black background with white text, or contrasting lighter backgrounds like yellow, with a darker, warmer colour like dark red. And again, this can be applied to digital signage as well.

Making sure your billboard’s typeface adheres to these basic guidelines will ensure your billboard advertisement is out there making impressions.

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