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Sustainable Advertising: Eco-Friendly Innovations In Out-Of-Home (OOH) Marketing

06/12/2023 by Thurgahshiny Gunasegaran

Sustainable advertising is the future of Out-Of-Home (OOH) Marketing, highlighting eco-friendly innovations. Discover how businesses are embracing environmentally conscious strategies to create impactful and responsible campaigns for a greener tomorrow.

Unveiling 4 Common Advertising Patterns To Reach Your Target Audience

06/12/2023 by Arrisa Zaini

Elevate your brand with strategic advertising to effectively reach your target audience.

Pretty In Pink: A Throwback To Barbie Movie's Genius OOH Ad Campaign

29/11/2023 by Thurgahshiny Gunasegaran

A throwback to the Barbie movie's Out-Of-Home (OOH) marketing campaigns that ended with theatres into a Pink Sea!

The Wonders Of The Las Vegas Sphere: A Revolutionary OOH Marketing Marvel

28/11/2023 by Arrisa Zaini

The Las Vegas Sphere is an impressive OOH (out-of-home) marketing initiative that utilises cutting-edge technology. Discover how this innovative advertising approach is transforming the marketing landscape.

What are the Pros and Cons of Mobile Billboard Advertising?

27/11/2023 by A. Durga Devi

Mobile billboard advertising offers dynamic visibility and targeting but comes with high costs and limited audience engagement. Pros include flexibility and broad reach, while cons involve potential distraction and environmental concerns. Balancing impact

Billboards and Heavy Traffic Flow: Connection Between Malaysia's Advertising Landscape and Rising Traffic Flows in 2023

23/11/2023 by A. Durga Devi

Have you ever wonder how billboards and heavy traffic are connected? Then you should check out how balanced visually appealing billboards are related with the increasing demands of heavy traffic

The Power Of Experiential Marketing In Shaping Customer Connections

22/11/2023 by Thurgahshiny Gunasegaran

Experiential marketing is a powerful tool in shaping customer connections. Check out the advantages experiential marketing can bring to your out-of-home marketing campaign!

All About 3D Anamorphic LED Advertisement

20/11/2023 by Arrisa Zaini

Learn all about 3D anamorphic LED billboards, their pros and cons and their visually stunning and immersive displays.

OOH Ads That Spark Debate: A Closer Look at Controversial Advertisements

17/11/2023 by A. Durga Devi

Witness the bold strokes of creativity as advertisers push the limits, exploring the fine line between innovation and controversy. From thought-provoking messages that spark heated debates to visually arresting displays that captivate attention, these OOH